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Exceeding Your Expectations


Competitive Intelligence Consulting

DBD works with businesses to understand their industry and competitive landscape, conduct research on competitors' activities, and analyze data to identify potential opportunities and threats. The consultant will also help businesses develop strategies to leverage competitive intelligence to improve their products, services, and marketing efforts.

During the process, consultants will work with businesses to gather and analyze data from various sources, such as industry reports, social media, and public records, to gain insight into competitors' activities. They will also help businesses develop and implement strategies to stay ahead of the competition, such as developing new products or services, adjusting pricing, or changing marketing tactics.

Strategic Digital Marketing

We work with businesses to develop and execute digital marketing campaigns tailored to the business's specific needs. The consultant will conduct research to understand the target audience and develop strategies to reach them through various digital channels, such as social media, email marketing, and search engines.

During the process, consultants will work with businesses to create engaging content that resonates with the target audience and encourages them to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. They will also help businesses optimize their digital marketing campaigns to ensure maximum ROI and provide ongoing support to measure and analyze campaign performance.


Digital Conversion

As a service, consultants work with businesses to identify the most effective digital channels to reach their target audiences, such as social media, search engines, and email marketing. The consultant will also help businesses develop a digital marketing strategy to drive traffic to the online store and increase conversions.

The next step is to establish an e-commerce platform, which may involve selecting the right platform, designing the online store, and configuring payment and shipping options. The consultant will also help businesses optimize their online store for search engines to increase visibility and attract more customers.

During the process, consultants will work with businesses to ensure that the customer experience is seamless and that the online store is user-friendly. They will also help businesses develop and implement customer service and support systems to ensure that customers have a positive experience.

Agile Scrum Methodology Coaching

We help companies adopt the Agile Scrum framework, which typically involves setting up a cross-functional team consisting of a Scrum Master, a Product Owner, and Developers. The consultant will help the team establish processes, such as planning, execution, and review, that align with the Agile Scrum methodology.

During the planning phase, the consultant will work with the team to develop a product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features and requirements for the software product. The team will then plan sprints, which are time-boxed periods of development where the team will work on a set of items from the product backlog.

Throughout the sprint, the consultant will work with the team to ensure that they follow the Agile Scrum framework, including holding daily stand-up meetings to review progress and remove any obstacles that may be impeding progress. At the end of each sprint, the consultant will facilitate a review and retrospective to gather feedback and continuously improve the process.

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Product-Market Fit

Consultants work with businesses to understand their product or service offerings, conduct market research to identify the most promising market opportunities and develop strategies to effectively reach the target audience. The consultant will also help businesses optimize their products or services to meet the target market's needs, such as adjusting pricing, features, or functionality.

During the process, consultants will work with businesses to gather customer feedback and analyze market trends to ensure that the product or service meets the needs of the target audience. They will also help businesses develop and implement marketing strategies to effectively promote the product or service to the target market.

Digital Brand + Product Development

Consultants work with businesses to develop and execute strategies to build a strong digital brand and product offerings. The consultant will research to understand the target audience and develop strategies to create digital products that are relevant and engaging to them.

During the process, consultants will work with businesses to create and optimize digital products such as apps, websites, and digital content to meet the needs of the target audience. They will also help businesses develop and implement marketing strategies to promote their digital products and build their brand presence in the digital space.


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